A Universidade Corporativa do Sebrae enviou 25 perguntas sobre inovação. Tais perguntas foram criadas em parceria com a UAIT (Unidade de Acesso a Inovação e Tecnologia) do Sebrae Nacional e com apoio das unidades estaduais, que também enviaram questões.
A seguir estão as perguntas enviadas, já traduzidas para inglês:
- How can the American government stimulate the participation of micro and small businesses in the process of open innovation, in partnership with P&D public entities and bigger businesses? How can the culture of protected technologies be changed to a competitive differential in global markets?
- Which investments are being made by the American government to stimulate the use of social technologies in the sense of generating the cycles of low cost and sustainable and competitive development, allowing micro and small businesses to perform competitively in markets?
- The Technology Innovation Program (TIP) 2011-2014 prioritizes investment in tangible themes, like: civil infrastructure, energy, sustainability, new materials and nanotechnology. On the other hand, we know that American universities, specialists and businesses are practicing the reinvention of management, favoring the exchange of ideas and the shared development of products. How will this theme be considered by the American government, in programs of innovation, in the next few years?
- Has the development of economies and businesses from emerging countries, especially from BRICS, now also with South Africa, represent a signal of necessity for the United States to reinvent their form of management on businesses to maintain competitive?
- How is it possible to transform fiscal incentives to businesses based on technology of great risk in competitive and sustainable development to the economy of the country? Is the fiscal renunciation as an incentive for the development of innovation, as in emerging countries, also a valid strategy for the United States?
- Mr. President, what is your point of view in relation to the American policy for “restraint of trade” of technologies (patents and trade secret) that could be diffused having the objective of social and economic development in other nations?
- Mr. President, you are considered an innovative president, especially for the actions that lead you to be elected. What were the main innovations put into practice in the American government since the beginning of your mandate?
- The purchasing power of the federal government was always used as an instrument of support for innovation and technologic development, especially benefiting big corporations. Do you, Mr. President, believe that this instrument can also be used to boost innovation in small businesses?
- How can the American system contribute to the education of innovative entrepreneurs?
- Do innovative businesses receive any kind of benefit from the government (tax reduction, financial support, etc.). If so, what are the benefits and how do businesses prove that they are innovative?
- How is the relation between American universities and businesses established? How are ideas in relation to technologic knowledge in micro and small businesses exchanged?
- What sensitizes a micro and small business to innovate in the United States? Is there a specific institution that works on innovation for micro and small businesses?
- How can the United States help implement innovation, in all its stages, from the creation of new ideas to the application of new products and services, in micro and small Brazilian businesses in partnership with American businesses?
- Do American micro and small businesses receive any kind of government subsidy to invest in innovation and new technologies? If so, which ones? If not, why?
- Which instruments does the American government have to promote innovation in micro and small businesses?
- Considering that innovation is an idea implemented with success and that it brings economic results, would it be possible to say that innovation is one of the main reasons why the American economy is the biggest in the world?
- What is the importance of innovation in the development of micro and small businesses in the United States?
- Can the innovative personality of the American entrepreneur explain the success of the economy in the United States?
- What is the role of the Small Business Administration and which mechanisms of support does it put into practice to elevate the level of innovative maturity in micro and small businesses?
- Are there municipal funds of support in the United States for micro and small businesses? If so, how are they operated?
- Does the American government contribute with seed money resources in startup businesses?
- Are there any policies of innovation with special treatment for micro and small businesses?
- What´s the innovation policy for micro and small businesses from traditional sectors of the American economy?
- How does the American government support the startup and spin-off businesses?
- How can innovation developed inside the universities be brought to micro and small businesses?
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